A party represents a legal entity in a contract. A contract can be signed between two types of parties or sides of the contract:



You can add multiple parties to your contract; however, there can be at most 40 parties per contract.

Owner-side party

The owner-side party is the party that created, and therefore owns, the contract.

Many actions and data points are available only to the owner-side party, such as deleting the contract and information about the counterparty participants.



The owner-side party type is always company and cannot be individual.

The table below displays all the attributes available for the owner-side party.

_linksobjectContains links to endpoints associated with the parent object. See Links.
_private_ownersideobjectContains attributes that are visible only to the owner-side party. See Private owner-side.
country_codestring(country_code)The country code of the party.
idinteger(signed_integer_id)The ID of the party.
identification_numberstringThe unique organization number of the party.
my_partybooleanWhether the party belongs to the current user or not.
namestringThe name of the owner-side party.
participantsarray [Participant]The list of participants in the owner side party. See Participant.
typestring(enum)The owner-side party type attribute is always company.

Private owner-side

The _private_ownerside object contains attributes that are only visible to the owner-side party.

created_timestring(datetime)The date and time when the party was created.
updated_timestring(datetime)The date and time when the party was last updated.


Any party that is not the owner-side party is a counterparty.

There are two types of counterparties:

  • Individual - a single participant who signs the contract on their own behalf.
  • Company - one or more participants that sign the contract on behalf of a legal entity. This type of counterparty can be used by any company, organization, or government department.


A contract party of the individual type has a single participant who signs the contract on their own behalf.
The table below shows all attributes available for the individual counterparty.

_linksobjectContains links to endpoints associated with the parent object. See Links.
_private_ownersideobjectSee Private owner-side individual.
country_codestring(country_code)The country code of the individual party.
idinteger(signed_integer_id)The unique ID of the individual party.
identification_numberstringThe date of birth, SSN, personal ID or similar of the individual party.
my_partybooleanWhether the party belongs to the current user or not.
namestringThe name of the individual
participantobjectThe person who represents the contract party with the type individual. See Participant.
typestring(enum)The string constant individual, which indicates that this parties member is an individual.

Private owner-side individual

The _private_ownerside object of the individual party contains attributes visible only to the owner-side party.

created_timestring(datetime)The date and time when the individual party was created.
updated_timestring(datetime)The date and time when the individual party was last updated.


The contract party with the company type is a legal entity involved in the contract. More than one participant can sign a contract on behalf of the party with the company type.

_linksobjectContains links to endpoints associated with the parent object. See Links.
_private_ownersideobjectSee Private owner-side company.
country_codestring(country_code)The country code of the contract party.
idinteger(signed_integer_id)The unique ID of the company.
identification_numberstringThe date of birth, SSN, personal ID, or similar of a company.
my_partybooleanWhether the party belongs to the current user or not.
namestringThe name of the company.
participantsarrayThe list of the contract party participants; see Participant.
typestring(enum)The type is always company.

Private owner-side company

The _private_ownerside object for the company party contains attributes visible only to the owner-side party. The owner-side party is the party that created the contract.

created_timestring(datetime)The date and time when the company was created.
updated_timestring(datetime)The date and time when the company was last updated.