
A participant represents a real person in the contract.



There can be at most, 40 participants across all parties in one contract.

Contract participant attributes

The following attributes are available for a contract participant:

_optionsobjectDefines options for the contract participant. See Options.
_permissionsobjectDefines permissions for the contract participant. See Permissions.
_private_ownersideobjectContains attributes visible only to the owner-side participant. See Private owner-side.
delivery_channelstring(enum)The name of the delivery channel. One of the Delivery channels.
delivery_statusstring(enum)Indicates the status of the notification sent to a contract participant. One of the Delivery statuses.
emailstring(email)The participant's email address.
idintegerThe unique ID of the participant.
identification_numberstringThe date of birth, SSN, personal number, etc., of the participant.
my_participantbooleanWhether the participant represents the current user or not.
namestringThe name of the participant.
organizerbooleanA flag to indicate if the participant is an owner-side internal participant. Only for the owner-side participants.
phone_numberstring(phone_number)The mobile phone number of the participant.
sign_methodstring(enum)Shows the selected method of signing contracts. One of the Sign methods.
sign_statestring(enum)The current state of the contract in the singing process. One of the Sign states.
sign_state_updated_timestring(datetime)The time the sign state was last updated.
signatorybooleanIndicates if the participant can sign the contract.
titlestringThe title of the participant.
two_step_authentication_methodstring(enum)Shows the selected two-step authentication methods. One of the
Two-step authentication method options


Indicates the options available when adding a participant to the contract.

invitebooleanIndicates whether the participant is allowed to receive an invitation upon creation.
messageobjectDefines the subject and body of the invitation. See Message.


Indicates the attributes of a message. Different combinations can be used. See Combining options attributes.

bodystringBody of the message to be sent along with the invitation.
subjectstringSubject of the message when sending the invitation to the participant.

Combining options attributes

The table below shows all possible combinations for the participant _options object when creating a participant while the contract is in a draft or pending state.

Contract state_optionsinvitemessageDescriptionResult
draft (_options cannot be used for counterparty participant creation in this state)N/AN/AN/ACreate an ownerside participant without _options.No invitation
availablefalseN/ACreate an ownerside participant with _options.invite as false.No invitation
availableN/A or falseavailableCreate an ownerside participant without _options.invite or as false but with a custom message.No invitation
availabletrueN/A or nullCreate an ownerside participant with _options.invite as true.Default invitation
availabletrueavailableCreate an ownerside participant with _options.invite as true and custom message.Custom invitation
pendingN/AN/AN/ACreate a participant without _options.Default invitation
availabletrueN/A or nullCreate a participant with _options.invite as true.Default invitation
availabletrueavailableCreate a participant with _options.invite as true and custom message.Custom invitation


Indicates the permissions available to a participant in a contract.

contract:updatebooleanIndicates whether the participant is allowed to make changes in the contract.

Combining participant flags and permissions

The table below shows all the possible combinations of the participant flags for signatory and organizer, and permissions to update and sign the contract.



Combining the participant and signatory flags with permissions, you can set up roles available in Oneflow:
Signatory – can edit the contract and expected to sign the contract.
Influencer – can edit the contract.
Viewer – cannot edit the contract, can only view and comment.
Organizer – same as an influencer, but only visible to other participants in the same party.

signatoryorganizercontract:updateDescriptionRole in the Oneflow app
truefalsetrueThe participant should sign the contract and has all the appropriate permissions to edit and update the contractSignatory
falsefalsetrueThe participant cannot sign the contract but otherwise has all the appropriate permissions to edit and update the contractInfluencer
falsetruetrueOnly possible for an owner-side participant. An owner-side internal participant cannot sign the contract but can update it.Organizer
falsefalsefalseThe participant can only view the contract.Viewer

Sign states

The sign_state attribute denotes the current state of the contract in the singing process.

undecidedThe initial sign state.
signedThe participant has signed the contract.
declinedThe participant has declined the contract. The contract is declined.
unknownUsed for future extensions. Not valid for create contract endpoint.

Private owner-side

Contains attributes visible only to the owner-side party.

created_timestring(datetime)The time when the participant was created.
first_visited_timestring(datetime)The time when the participant first opened the contract. null if they have not yet opened the contract.
last_visited_timestring(datetime)The time when the participant last opened the contract. null if they have not yet opened the contract.
updated_timestring(datetime)The time when the participant was last updated.
visitsintegerThe number of times the participant has opened the contract.

Delivery status

The table lists all possible statuses for notifications (invitations) sent to contract participants.

not_sentThe contract has not been sent to the participant.
pendingThe delivery of the contract is pending.
failureThe delivery of the contract failed.
bounceThe contract cannot be delivered to the provided email address.
successThe contract was successfully delivered to the participant.
openedThe participant opened the delivered contract.
unknownUsed for future extensions. Not valid for create contract endpoint.