Delete a party from a contract

If a contract party is no longer relevant to your contract, you can delete this party from your contract using the corresponding API endpoint.

Step 1. Obtain necessary information

x-oneflow-api-token You will only be able to run the script by using a valid API token. You can create an API token in the Oneflow web application. Find out more in the Authentication section.
x-oneflow-user-email The Oneflow user account email on whose behalf you want to delete the contract.
Path parameter
CONTRACT_ID The unique ID of the contract you want to delete. You can find the contract ID using the contracts endpoint.
PARTY_ID The unique ID of the party you want to delete. You can find the party ID using the Get contract parties endpoint.

Step 2. Run the code

Replace the values of the parameters in the following command with the actual data from your account and run it.

curl --request DELETE \
     --url \
     --header 'x-oneflow-api-token: 9841f1ee533681c3ea6a438560f2bb6c73b76675' \
     --header 'x-oneflow-user-email: [email protected]'
import requests

url = ""

headers = {
    "x-oneflow-api-token": "9841f1ee533681c3ea6a438560f2bb6c73b76675",
    "x-oneflow-user-email": "[email protected]"

response = requests.request("DELETE", url, headers=headers)


Expected response

This operation will delete the specified party from your contract and display an empty body in the response.

Response codes

200OKThe contract party was deleted successfully. This response is also returned if the party does not exist.
400Bad RequestInvalid format or content of the request.
401UnauthorizedThe API token or the user email is invalid.
403ForbiddenThe request is not authorized by the server.
404Not FoundA required entity is missing.
409ConflictA conflict occurred with the current state of the target resource.