Data model

The Oneflow SCIM API has two main resource types, User and Group.


The User resource type defines only a subset of the attributes defined in the SCIM core schema (urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User).

While our resource definition for a user does list the extended EnterpriseUser schema (urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User), it is only there for compatibility purposes with specific SCIM clients.



None of the fields defined in the EnterpriseUser schema is present in our User resource type.

You can find the following attributes in our user resource type:

activeEnabled/disabled user
displayNameDisplay nameRequired
rolesSCIM user rolesoptional
externalIdSCIM client mapping ID
groupsThe groups the user is a member ofRead-only
Edit through groups resource
idOneflow IDRead-only
localeLanguage settingISO 639‑1
Two-letter language code
Without region
metaSCIM meta infoRead-only
phoneNumbersPhone number of user for SMSA max of one phone number is allowed
Must be of type 'work'
schemasSCIM schemas infoRead-only
userNameUser email addressRequired, must be unique



Currently, in the API Reference, for Create User and Update User endpoints, request and response body parameters are same. Check below to distinguish the required request parameters between these endpoints.

For Create User: displayName, schemas and userName are required. active, externalId, locale, phoneNumbers and title aren't required and default values are "active": true and "locale": "en"

For Update User: active, displayName, locale, schemas and userName are required. externalId, phoneNumbers and title aren't required.

If you don't send any of the above required paramters, you will get an 400 error.


The Group resource type defines all attributes from the SCIM core schema (urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group).

displayNameDisplays the name of the group.Required; must be unique.
externalIdSCIM client mapping ID
idOneflow IDRead-only
membersThe list of members in the group.Only users; cannot nest groups.
metaSCIM meta infoRead-only
schemasSCIM schema infoRead-only

You can use the schemas endpoint to see which of the attributes from the core schemas are defined on our resource types, their mutability if required, and so on.



Currently, in the API Reference, for Create Group and Update Group endpoints, request and response body parameters are same. For both these endpoints, displayName and schemas are required request parameters. externalId and members aren't required.

If you don't send any of the above required paramters, you will get an 400 error.